Webpack require dynamic fixture example
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should load a fixture without pattern
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should load a fixture with pattern
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Dynamic fixture from database
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should fetch all rows from a model
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should fetch once record from a model
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should create a new record
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Errors management
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Server warnings
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should warn on error by default
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should be set to not warn on error
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Server errors
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should respond with 500 error when process failing
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should be set to throw on error
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Fixtures test suite
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Fixture configuration
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should create a fixture
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Fixture requests processing
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should process fixture lifecyle
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should alter response from before response callback
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should use a preset if one is thrown in fixture lifecycle
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should use a Response instance if one is thrown in fixture lifecycle
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should use a response object descriptor if one is thrown in fixture lifecycle
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should throw on Error
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should return a 500 error for Error throws
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should throw by default for other throws
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should return a 500 error for other throws
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should throw when asked to
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should throw when trying to go to fallback from a request matcher
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Fixture patterns
ResponseConfigurator#pattern |
should handle patterns
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Extended request test suite
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should create Request from fetch params and expose parsed request properties
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should extend existing Request Object and expose parsed request properties
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should return an FMF request as clone
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History test suite
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should get last request and response
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should get nth request
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should have cloned response before body parsing
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should return all history, all requests or all responses
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should reset history
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Log and verbose tests
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should log request/response/error
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should log and verbose request/response/error
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Presets test suite
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should create a blank preset
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should create a configured preset
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should update preset
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should configure preset with BDD style
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should delete preset
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should throw if name is not provided
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should throw if params are not an object
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should add presets app-wide (manual way)
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should register a preset globally
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should unregister global presets
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Processors test suite
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Base processor evaluation methods
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should evaluate equality of strings
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should evaluate equality of numbers
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should evaluate equality of booleans
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should execute reg exp
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should execute callback
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should execute async callback
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Request configurator test suite
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should create a matcher
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should throw on unsupported FMFRequest property
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should return a processor
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should process equal
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should process header
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should provide the right processor
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should throw is equal argument is not and object when called on matcher
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should throw is with invalid key when called on matcher
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should chain multiple conditions on the same matcher without on keyword
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should chain multiple on to generate multiple matching requests
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Request processing test suite
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should throw if no fixtures defined
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should throw if no matching fixtures found
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Should reset between calls
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should return response build from fixture
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should return ordered responses
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should parse body of request for matching
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should delay response
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should negate request matching
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should warn when multiple requests are matching
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Respond test suite
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should create a blank fixture and register it
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should set a default response
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should update default response
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should change default response again
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should register ordered responses with global call count
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should register ordered responses with own call count
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Response configurator test suite
ResponseConfigurator |
should set/unset a response from object
ResponseConfigurator#set |
should throw with set if argument is not an object
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should throw with set if key is not allowed
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should throw if headers are not valid
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should throw if before and after are not callbacks
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should set individual headers
ResponseConfigurator#header |
Server control test suite
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should construct a server
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should start, reset and stop server
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should expose stub when running and throw when not running
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should import fixtures
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should manage import errors
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